
Our Mission Statement:

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Our mission is to put God’s love into action.


Who we are

       Founded in 1994, MAHFH is a non-profit Christian housing ministry seeking to eliminate poverty housing and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. 

We are an independent organization governed by a Board of Directors that meets monthly to determine policy and coordinate the construction of houses. 

More than a construction organization, Habitat for Humanity is a successful, proven, people-to-people partnership aimed at the development and empowerment of persons and communities. 

Our sense of social and moral responsibility finds purpose in the Habitat goal to make quality, affordable housing available to God’s people in need.

Over 97% of our donations go to programs! Our overhead is less than 3%.

Habitat’s concept of volunteers working in partnership with homeowners who must work a minimum number of hours on their own homes (we call it “sweat equity”) is not duplicated by any other service agency. 

For our partner homeowners, the interest-free mortgage and sale of the home with no profit markup by Habitat makes their dream of home ownership possible.

       Our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity is governed by a Board of Directors and volunteers that donate their time and effort to improve our community.


Board  and Volunteer Members include but are not limited to:

Ed Plotka - President

Don Zais - Vice-President


David Murphy - Treasurer

Vicki Roder - Director

Brent Ystad - Director

Kent Mueller - Director

Ashley Fredrick - Director

Gisele Berninghaus - Director

Chris Huml - Director

Barbara Farr - Office Manager


The communities we serve:

Marshfield, Stratford, Spencer, Hewitt, Arpin and Pittsville


Click here to view the History of MAHFH.

Click here to read one of MAHFH newsletters.


About Habitat for Humanity International

Our Vision:  A world where everyone has a decent place to live.  Read More